Terms and Conditions for Students
Depending on the level of service chosen, proofreading for students includes using Track Changes in Word to:
correct spelling, punctuation and formatting
ensure consistency throughout
ensure the grammar and syntax are correct
shorten long sentences or paragraphs
make comments where the writing is unclear you can re-write it. (This relates to lack of clarity. The notes will outline the problem so that you can then amend the text. I don’t rewrite the sections as I could accidentally change the content/meaning as I may not be an expert in the field you’re writing about)
ensure references match the correct style (e.g. Harvard, APA) and correct obvious spelling errors or inconsistencies in the entries
identify the incorrect use of words and suggest alternatives or the need for you to investigate alternatives
Proofreading for students does not include:
paraphrasing, editing or translating
altering the structure of the thesis
changing the argument
adding to the content of the work
cross-checking references with external sources or making sure that in-text citations are listed in the bibliography
reducing (or adding to) the word count of the thesis or dissertation to a set number of words. (Amendments may slightly affect the final word count but the service does not include helping you change the word count to fit the assessment criteria)
implementing formatting from scratch
making the work 'more academic or professional'
Student liability/Responsibility
I do my utmost to ensure all files are correct and free of errors; however, I can offer no guarantee of this.
The mark that you are awarded by your university/college is not within my control and I cannot be held legally responsible for a lower than expected mark in relation to any material proofread by me.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your university/college/other academic institution allows you to use the services of a professional proofreader. Some universities prohibit the use of a professional proofreading service or have very strict rules relating to the work a proofreader can do, and a breach of any such rule could result in very serious consequences for you. If your university has set guidelines for what a proofreader can and can’t do, please send them to me prior to starting the work. Also, it is your responsibility, where applicable, to ensure that you comply with all rules and requirements relating to using a professional proofreader (e.g. declaring your use of a proofreader on your submitted work).
Proofreading policies do differ between universities. If your university’s policy allows any of the work not included in the standard service, you will need to send me the policy to prove this or ask your supervisor to contact me to provide confirmation.
If you’re not sure whether something is included, please feel free to ask.
General Terms and Conditions can be found here.