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Terms and Conditions

About Shellie Marlowe/Shellie Marlowe Proofreading

I confirm that I am registered as self-employed and pay my own income tax and National Insurance contributions. I do not charge VAT and do not have a VAT registration number.

Acceptance of terms and conditions

By agreeing to my quote, the Client accepts these terms and conditions unless otherwise stipulated in writing.


Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all fees are payable in GBP by bank transfer within 14 days of invoice to the Client. I reserve the right to charge interest on overdue accounts in accordance with the terms set out in the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 as amended and supplemented by the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Regulations 2002.

Storage of work/Privacy

Unless otherwise agreed, I will keep files on my system for a maximum of five (5) years. If you want me to delete the files from all systems at an earlier date, please advise and I will happily do so. I do not pass work or Client details to third parties. The nature and content of the work will be kept confidential and not made known to anyone other than the Client and its contractors without prior written permission.

Terms of work

The Client will pay the fee quoted and will receive the work as per the agreed schedule unless:

· on receipt of the file or at an early stage, it becomes apparent that significantly more work is required than had been anticipated (e.g. if a sample I have seen does not reflect the overall quality of the file), in which case I may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline or choose not to proceed with the work;

· or during the work, additional tasks are requested by the Client, in which case I may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline.

Cancellation/Amendment of schedule

If I have blocked out time for work for the Client and the Client cancels the work or changes the schedule within 48 hours of the original schedule’s due start date/time, I reserve the right to charge for the time.


I do my utmost to ensure all files are correct and free of errors; however, I can offer no guarantee of this.

Student liability/Responsibility

The mark that you are awarded by your university/college is not within my control and I cannot be held legally responsible for a lower than expected mark in relation to any material proofread by me.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your university/college/other academic institution allows you to use the services of a professional proofreader. Some universities prohibit the use of a professional proofreading service or have very strict rules relating to the work a proofreader can do, and a breach of any such rule could result in very serious consequences for you. If your university has set guidelines for what a proofreader can and can’t do, please send them to me prior to starting the work. Also, it is your responsibility, where applicable, to ensure that you comply with all rules and requirements relating to using a professional proofreader (e.g. declaring your use of a proofreader on your submitted work).


These Terms and Conditions are governed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and therefore shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts without reference to rules governing choice of laws.



Student Services Terms and Conditions can be found here.

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